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Fishing Baits

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Sticky Baits Shelf Life Manilla 20mm 1kg

This all-year-round range utilises a peanut protein exclusively available to us and never before used within the bait industry. If you have ever used peanuts before, we’re sure you’ll be aware of just how addictive carp find them, however due to the high fat content it has previously only been possible to use them in small quantities – not any more! This revolutionary ingredient has been partially defatted leaving an end product that carp not only find irresistible but also ticks all the right nutritional boxes. As with all of our baits, the secret to Manilla lies within more than one ingredient, so the rest of the mix is made up of a complex combination of blended milk proteins and bird foods with an exceptional track record.

Sticky Baits Shelflife Bloodworm 12mm 5kg

The original and best Shelf Life Bloodworm-based bait on the market today. Our Bloodworm range is often copied but never bettered! The unique blend of real Bloodworm along with traditional fishmeal-based ingredients make our Bloodworm boilies one of the best and most attractive in our range. Although Bloodworm is a fishmeal-based bait, the combination of LT94, milk proteins, soluble fish proteins, crustacean extracts, blood plasma and Robin Red make it suitable for year-round use. The mix contains fast and slow release energy sources, as well as vitamins and minerals to make sure it is as good for the fish as possible. The finished bait is subtle in smell, yet highly attractive, and sports a deep, rich red colour. Our shelf life baits are all as close to the freezer bait versions as possible, with the only difference being the addition of a natural preservative. This opens the bait up for use across Europe and ensures people who are unable to store freezer baits can still use our range of baits.

Sticky Baits Signature Pop Ups Mixed 16mm 70g

Our Signature range started off life as a bespoke attractor package that was kept under wraps for many years. Thankfully, having sourced the incredibly complex ingredients in bulk they are available to all! Signatures are very unique and incredibly well thought out. One of the most attractive signals to a carp is a change of pH, and, thanks to the blend of ten liquids and two powdered palatants, Signatures react with water to create a highly detectable pH shift. This may sound very scientific, but it is the main reason why these hookbaits are so successful. For your convenience, we have crammed the beautifully fruity flavour combination into three different coloured hookbaits in each tub. Inside, you will find washed out yellow and pink alongside a striking white, giving you three different options. As a finishing touch, each individual hookbait is coated in a specially formulated amino acid blend after the cooking process, to ensure every single hookbait pulses out attraction consistently. Signature Pop-Ups are super buoyant and will stay up for days even when pierced. The small 12mm hookbaits are ideal for Zigs or Snowmen, while the slightly larger 14mm hookbaits are ideal for the Ronnie rig. The largest baits in the range, the 16mm size, are ideal for Chod rigs and Stiff Hinges.

Sticky Baits Signature Wafter 12mm 95g

Our Signature range started off life as a bespoke attractor package that was kept under wraps for many years. Thankfully, having sourced the incredibly complex ingredients in bulk they are available to all! Signatures are very unique and incredibly well thought out. One of the most attractive signals to a carp is a change of pH, and, thanks to the blend of ten liquids and two powdered palatants, Signatures react with water to create a highly detectable pH shift. This may sound very scientific, but it is the main reason why these hookbaits are so successful. For your convenience, we have crammed the beautifully fruity flavour combination into three different coloured hookbaits in each tub. Inside, you will find washed out yellow and pink alongside a striking white, giving you three different options. As a finishing touch, each individual hookbait is coated in a specially formulated amino acid blend after the cooking process, to ensure every single hookbait pulses out attraction consistently. Signature Wafters are perfectly designed to sink slowly under the weight of your hook, a presentation which can fool even the wariest of carp.

Sticky Baits The Active Krill Tuff Ones 20mm 160g

Designed to replicate The Krill Active Boilies, these toughened bottom baits have been made using the same base-mix as the normal bottom baits, but with the inclusion of extra binders. This creates a much tougher alternative to using the freebies on the hair, yet maintains that all important match the hatch appearance. The external, super-soluble coating is made up of over twenty different ingredients, which matches the coating on the Krill Active Freezer and Shelf Life baits perfectly. Once submerged in water, the coating starts to work its magic and breaks down into a halo of attraction around the ultra-tough hookbait at the core.

Sticky Baits The Active Krill Wafters 20mm 130g

Designed to replicate The Krill Active Boilies, these Krill Active Wafters are made using the same base mix, with a highly soluble, Active paste wrap. For these hookbaits to work perfectly, the coating itself contains an element of buoyancy to help maintain a perfect presentation throughout the breakdown process. As the super-soluble coating breaks down, it slowly settles into a halo of attraction on the lakebed surrounding the wafter at the inner core. With over twenty ingredients used in the coating alone, these baits act like a homing beacon for any passing carp. These round hookbaits are designed to negate the weight of the hook and the rig, a sure-fire way to fool even the wariest of carp.

Sticky Baits The Krill Pellet 4mm 900g

Designed to complement the boilie range, The Krill Pellets undergo a two-stage coating process which ensures they are constantly leaking attraction into the water column. Utilising a significant amount of pure Krill Powder, the pellets release small particles up from the lakebed drawing fish in from above. Use as part of a spod mix, or on their own, with no limit to their use. By using liquid attractants along with the pellets, you can use them with method feeders with ease. What fish could resist a bed of pellets pulsing out attraction?

Sticky Baits The Krill Pop Ups White Ones 16mm

As the name suggests, The Krill “White Ones” are striking white pop-ups that offer you a great visual edge when fished as a single or over large beds of bait. As well as the fluoro colour, these little beauties also have boosted attractor levels to really help them stand out and steal you extra pick-ups. They are completely needle friendly, even in the smaller 12mm size, which are ideal for subtle presentations such as Zigs or Snowmen. The larger, 16mm hookbaits, are more suited to Chod or Hinge rigs as well as the ever-popular Ronnie/Spinner rig.

Sticky Baits The Krill Tuff Ones 16mm

As a result of our uncompromising stance on bait quality, our baits are on the soft side, due to reduced boiling times and quality ingredients. As a result of this, if you are fishing somewhere with lots of nuisance fish, crayfish or birds then the Tuff Ones are the ideal choice of hookbait for you. The Krill Tuff Ones are designed to match your freebies perfectly but provide ample protection and ensure you are always fishing confidently. Despite their super-tough nature, they contain the same liquids and powdered attractants as our bottom baits. If you want to, you can also customise these hookbaits with the addition of liquids or even powders from our Pure Naturals range to make sure your hookbait stands out over your baited area.

Sticky Baits The Krill Wafter Pink Ones 130g

Produced in a stunning bespoke pink colour, the Krill Pink Ones Wafters are ideal for grabbing the carp’s attention without being too blatant! As well as the subtle colour, these little beauties also have boosted attractor levels to really help them stand out and steal you extra pick-ups. They are completely needle friendly and are ideal for use with D-rigs, Ronnie rigs and the popular German rig. Whatever rig you use, these special hookbaits will sink slowly, perfectly counteracting the weight of your hook and rig for a delicate approach.

Sticky Baits The Krill Wafter White Ones 130g

As the name suggests, The Krill White Ones Wafters are striking white hookbaits that offer you a great visual edge when fished as a single or over large beds of bait. As well as the fluoro colour, these little beauties also have boosted attractor levels to really help them stand out in the water and steal you extra pick-ups. They are completely needle friendly and are ideal for use with D-rigs, Ronnie rigs and the popular German rig. Whatever rig you use, these special hookbaits will sink slowly, perfectly counteracting the weight of your hook and rig for a delicate approach.

Sticky Baits Bloodworm Pellet 4mm 2.5kg

Made famous by the revered Underwater DVDs, the Bloodworm Pellets are still just as effective today as they were all those years ago. We kickstarted the Bloodworm revolution with our Bloodworm Pellets and they remain one of the best products in the range to this very day. This is with good reason to; they are one of the most devastating feed baits available. The Bloodworm Pellets undergo a two-stage coating process which ensures they are constantly leaking attraction into the water column. The first coating breaks up very quickly, releasing lots of instant attraction whereas the second releases a cloud of bloodworm-infused goodness over an extended period of time. Over the years, we have worked tirelessly on these pellets to ensure that they are produced to the highest possible standard. Bloodworm play a vital role in the natural diet of the carp we all fish for, so what better way to try and catch them, than using something they have a natural instinct to consume, without fear or caution? Countless people report the best feeding response they have ever experienced after using these Bloodworm Pellets for the first time. Can you afford not to try them?