Perhaps the fastest-growing radish of all- so great to grow with your children too�as they can help to sow and see results in just weeks. Ideal for tasty summer salads, this traditional, classic variety has long scarlet roots with a white tip and a mild flavour.
Scarlet Globe, Sparkler, Pink Beauty, Prinz Rotin and White Turnip (it's not a turnip!) have all been blended to make this attractive and tasty radish mixture.
Scarlet Emperor has been a favourite for decades, which is no surprise. It yields long, straight pods of excellent flavour. Sliced and blanched, it freezes well to provide tasty out-of-season treats.
This is the first Butternut squash to be bred in the UK to give excellent results in our climate whatever the weather. Strong healthy plants will give a bumper crop of squashes which are full of flavour when roasted, boiled or mashed. Bronze-green foliage. Dwarf variety. Sow Date: Mar-May.
This greenhouse tomato is hard to beat, and has rapidly established itself as the nation’s favourite. The plants are heavy cropping, robust and disease resistant, and the good sized fruits have a lovely taste and texture. It is also a splendid variety for exhibitors. Shirley simply will not disappoint you. Tasty summer salads. Cut & come again. Sow Date: Jan-May
One of the most reliable of carrots, which can be cropped for almost five months of the year. The medium size stump roots are evenly shaped and of fine colour. They also store well if cleaned and packed in boxes of dry sand. Sowing & Growing. Sowing Time: Feb-Jun. Harvest From: Jun-Nov.
Land cress is the next best thing to watercress, but does not need running water to produce a delicious crop. It is best in a shady spot, so is good for inter-cropping with taller vegetables. It thrives with plenty of moisture in the soil and the leaves can be picked all year round to add a ‘zing’ to salads. High yielding. Yellow fruit. Sow Date: Mar-Sep.
The swollen leaf bases or ‘bulbs’ are delicious chopped raw in salads or braised and served with fish or meat. They have a texture similar to celery and a taste reminiscent of aniseed. The attractive ferny foliage is also edible and is a great garnish.
The delicate onion flavour of chives makes this perennial a perfect addition to soups, omelettes and cheese dishes! Or use just about anywhere you want a hint of onion and that wonderful emerald green colour.
Make sure your garden is bursting with stunning flavours and striking colours, make your garden beautiful and grow your own delicious produce. An old favourite, Musselburgh Winter Leeks are easy to grow and incredibly versatile. An exceptionally hardy variety, very reliable and heavy cropping, these winter leeks are hard to beat.