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Heygates Layers Pellets + Flubenvet 5kg

Brand: Heygates
SKU: 78737
A similar ration to the Specialist Layers Pellets with Flubenvet wormer added.
Availability: In stock

Flubenvet will control parasitic worms in poultry and should be used for one week so the 5kg pack will treat about 5 birds.Many animals suffer from worms from time to time and chickens, turkeys and geese are no exception. Birds that are kept outdoors and have contact with garden soil or indoors on sawdust, straw or other litter materials can pick up parasitic worms.Parasitic worms can live in the guts and respiratory tracts of chickens and other birds. There are many different types including roundworms, hairworms and gapeworms. The worms all produce eggs which the bird excretes in its droppings. The worm eggs are not immediately infectious - they first have to develop so that a larval immature worm can hatch from the egg when conditions are right. The worm egg could be eaten by a bird, or the egg could hatch and the larval worm could be eaten. In some cases another species such as an earthworm will eat the egg and when the earthworm is eaten the larval parasitic worm will be released inside the bird. Once infection is established it continues as each female worm lays thousands of eggs each day which then contaminate the environment in a constantly repeating cycle. Worm eggs on the ground can remain infectious for years and can resist disinfectants.Chickens with worms may lay fewer, smaller eggs with poor shell colour and strength and pale yolks. Untreated infections may cause weight loss, dishevelled appearance and death.To worm your poultry feed Heygates layers pellets with Flubenvet® as the only feed your chickens eat for 7 consecutive days.

Flubenvet will control parasitic worms in poultry and should be used for one week so the 5kg pack will treat about 5 birds.Many animals suffer from worms from time to time and chickens, turkeys and geese are no exception. Birds that are kept outdoors and have contact with garden soil or indoors on sawdust, straw or other litter materials can pick up parasitic worms.Parasitic worms can live in the guts and respiratory tracts of chickens and other birds. There are many different types including roundworms, hairworms and gapeworms. The worms all produce eggs which the bird excretes in its droppings. The worm eggs are not immediately infectious - they first have to develop so that a larval immature worm can hatch from the egg when conditions are right. The worm egg could be eaten by a bird, or the egg could hatch and the larval worm could be eaten. In some cases another species such as an earthworm will eat the egg and when the earthworm is eaten the larval parasitic worm will be released inside the bird. Once infection is established it continues as each female worm lays thousands of eggs each day which then contaminate the environment in a constantly repeating cycle. Worm eggs on the ground can remain infectious for years and can resist disinfectants.Chickens with worms may lay fewer, smaller eggs with poor shell colour and strength and pale yolks. Untreated infections may cause weight loss, dishevelled appearance and death.To worm your poultry feed Heygates layers pellets with Flubenvet® as the only feed your chickens eat for 7 consecutive days.

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