Silvermoor Alfa-Grit-Blocks are pure dried, high protein alfalfa and insoluble grit briquettes created to improve poultry welfare and digestion efficiency. Alfa-Grit-Blocks have been created to enrich hen’s environment and enhance hen welfare by encouraging natural activity, relieving stress which decreases the risk of injurious pecking. Made up of 70% alfalfa and 30% insoluble grit these ingredients are combined and pressed into shape. The resultant solid briquette retains its bright green colour which entices the birds’ interest and encourages natural foraging behaviour in flocks. Alfa-Grit-Blocks are an ideal enrichment tool providing variety and a destructive form of enrichment to prevent a potential build-up of bacteria.
Very strong and very effective anti-bacterial, anti-viral & anti-fungal. Small lumps and settlement in the tub is normal . This powder is pest used in a powder sprayer or one of out bobby dusters. Destroys coccidia oo-cysts, parasites, worms and fly eggs and larvae Very effective in the prevention of Coccidiosis. Removes ammonia and hydrogen sulphide and dries out moisture. Non-toxic and suitable for use with all livestock. Apply to litter, bedding areas and around feeders & drinkers. Stalosan F is recomended for regular use in all livestock housing to improve the enviroment and flooring conditions around animals and birds. It is a hygiene powder that assists in the control of bacteria, fungi, viruses and parasites. It absorbs moisture, reduces amonia, hydrogen sulphide and other noxious gases.