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Feeders & Tables

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Jacobi Jayne Suet Cake Feeder Single Side Opening

Suet made simple These suet cake feeders feature a convenient side-opening design for quick, easy refills with no messy hands. Durable cage in rust-resistant coated steel gives birds plenty of perching space. Integrated wire hanger is ideal for suspending from a tree branch or using one of our hanging hooks.

Jacobi Jayne Basket Ball Window Feeder

Holding up to three 100g fat balls the tough, colourful basket ball lets birds feed without the risk of getting tangled in fat ball nets. Snaps open and shut for instant refills. For a really close-up view of mealtimes, the Window version adheres firmly to clean, dry glass.

Jacobi Jayne Suet Cake Feeder Double

Please note the suet blocks are not included. The Jacobi Jayne Suet Block Feeder provides birds with a feast with the sturdy metal feeder. The feeder holds four suet blocks, therefore, you won't need to fill the feeder up as much so you can spend more time watching the birds enjoy their feast. A range of suet blocks can be fed from the feeder including Premium Insect Suet Blocks, Premium Mealworm Suet Blocks and Premium Berry Suet Blocks. You can attract a vareity of birds to the feeder including: Blue Tits, Robins, Nuthatches, Chaffinches, Coal tits, Collared doves, Dunnocks, Great spotted woodpeckers, Great Tits, Greenfinches and House sparrows. Dimensions: H 470 x W 130 x D 50mm

Jacobi Jayne BigEasy Medium Seed Feeder

Made with tough metal components, this large Big Easy Seed Feeder by Jacobi Jayne stands proud in the face of squirrel attacks. All parts can be removed which will allow you to easily clean the feeder.

Peckish RTU Extra Goodness Balls Feeder 210g

Our Peckish Extra Goodness Energy Balls Filled Feeder contains our highest nutritional suet ball with more protein, and more fat than any other Peckish energy ball, sure to give the birds a tasty meal. Packed with high energy sunflower seeds and peanuts, the added peanut aroma will certainly get them interested. These suet balls have no extra added wheat to bulk up the product and contain no calcium carbonate as a filler making these our best energy balls. Our ready to use feeder is ideal with little preparation required, simply hang on a tree or feeding station.

Peckish Mealworm RTU Feeder 90g

Our Peckish Mealworms Filled Feeder is the perfect ready to use feeder to attract many garden birds. These mealworms are 100% natural and are high in energy and protein. Perfect to hang on a tree or feeding station. Mealworms are great for birds to feed on all year round as well as helping support growth and development.

Peckish RTU Sunflower Hearts Filled Feeder 300g

Our Peckish Sunflower Hearts Filled Feeder is a great ready to use feeder for a wide variety of birds to feed on. With little preparation required, simply hang on a tree or feeding station. Sunflower hearts are the highest energy bird food and will attract the widest range of garden birds. They are rich in essential oils and the seed husks have been removed so there is no waste or mess.

Peckish Complete RTU Energy Bites Feeder 350g

Our Peckish Complete Energy Bites Filled Feeder is prefilled with high energy suet pellets enriched with peanuts and mealworms. These pellets are made with our Calvita® Vitamin Mix. Our ready to use feeder is ideal with little preparation required, simply hang on a tree or feeding station.

Peckish All Weather Suet Cake Feeder

Our Peckish All Weather Suet Cake Feeder is a heavy duty feeder designed to withstand all weather conditions. It is a perfect feeder suitable to use all year round.

Peckish Complete RTU Easy Seed Feeder 400g

Our Peckish Complete Seed Mix Filled Feeder contains a 12 seed blend with high energy sunflower hearts, blended to attract a wide variety of birds to your garden. Our pre-filled feeder is the perfect feeder which requires no preparation, simply hang the feeder from a tree or feeding station. Peckish Complete Seed Mix includes our unique Calvita® vitamin pellet a distinctive blend of vitamins and minerals that help garden birds stay healthy.

Peckish RTU Peanuts Filled Feeder 300g

Our Peckish Peanuts Filled Feeder is perfect for those looking for a simple, convenient feeder. Peanuts are rich in oils and protein, a perfect energy source for birds during the colder, winter months. Our pre-filled feeders are great to refill and reuse in the garden.

Gardman Black Steel Fat Snax Feeder Standard

Design to hold 3 fat snax, this Black Steel Fat Snax Feeder from Gardman is a great way to feed wild birds all year round, especially in the colder winter months when birds require more energy sources. Featuring easy open swivel top lid and removable base, it provides easy access for filling and cleaning.