The Bait Spray range has been designed as an alternative attractor to supplement the liquids already in each range. Although we swear by our Liquid Food and Glug ranges, they aren’t ideal for soaking hookbaits for prolonged periods of time, as their dense nature can dramatically affect the buoyancy of a pop-up or wafter and render your rig mechanics useless. Bait Sprays are a much lighter alternative, that easily absorb into your chosen hookbait, yet still pack the same punch as their thicker counterparts – simply grab a tub of hookbaits and give them a couple of sprays to seriously boost their attraction!
The Krill Boilies are tailored to perfectly suit the carp’s dietary requirements leaving them actively hunting out the bait as an ideal food source. Not only does the inclusion of Krill add to the nutritional profile of the bait, it is also highly regarded in the aquaculture industry as one of the greatest natural “flavours” and stimulates fish into a feeding frenzy. This devastating boilie comprises of a staggering twenty-five different ingredients including a couple of little gems to which we attribute the bait’s immeasurable success. As much as we love the open and honest approach… we’ve got to have the odd little secret! Our shelf life baits are all as close to the freezer bait versions as possible, with the only difference being the addition of a natural preservative. This opens the bait up for use across Europe and ensures people who are unable to store freezer baits can still use our range of baits.
As the name suggests, The Krill “White Ones” are striking white pop-ups that offer you a great visual edge when fished as a single or over large beds of bait. As well as the fluoro colour, these little beauties also have boosted attractor levels to really help them stand out and steal you extra pick-ups. They are completely needle friendly, even in the smaller 12mm size, which are ideal for subtle presentations such as Zigs or Snowmen. The larger, 16mm hookbaits, are more suited to Chod or Hinge rigs as well as the ever-popular Ronnie/Spinner rig.
Designed to replicate our Krill boilies, these 16mm hookbaits sink slowly under the weight of your hook. By using a semi-buoyant bait, your rig becomes even easier for a carp to suck in and become hooked. The 16mm round wafters are ideal for use as a single hookbait or fished over a large spread of matching, round bottom baits. Anglers can customise these hookbaits if they so wish by using The Krill Bait Spray as well as items in our Pure Naturals range.