Orange is a very underused yet deadly colour, and when it is combined with the classic mixture of Peach Melba and pure black pepper essential oil, you have one of the deadliest hookbaits around. Upon opening a tub, you are greeted with a lovely fruity smell, with an ever so slight hint of warm pepper. This attractor package has proven time and time again to be a great big carp catcher, and not only that, it has a great track record for producing the goods right through the year. Each year, a multitude of big, sought after carp fall to these hookbaits, they certainly have a knack of picking out the larger ones! Peach & Pepper Wafters are perfectly designed to sink slowly under the weight of your hook, a presentation which can fool even the wariest of carp.
Made famous by the revered Underwater DVDs, the Bloodworm Pellets are still just as effective today as they were all those years ago. We kickstarted the Bloodworm revolution with our Bloodworm Pellets and they remain one of the best products in the range to this very day. This is with good reason to; they are one of the most devastating feed baits available. The Bloodworm Pellets undergo a two-stage coating process which ensures they are constantly leaking attraction into the water column. The first coating breaks up very quickly, releasing lots of instant attraction whereas the second releases a cloud of bloodworm-infused goodness over an extended period of time. Over the years, we have worked tirelessly on these pellets to ensure that they are produced to the highest possible standard. Bloodworm play a vital role in the natural diet of the carp we all fish for, so what better way to try and catch them, than using something they have a natural instinct to consume, without fear or caution? Countless people report the best feeding response they have ever experienced after using these Bloodworm Pellets for the first time. Can you afford not to try them?
The new Sticky Baits bucket is the perfect addition to any angler’s armoury as they are ideal for numerous applications, whether its stalking, floaters or plain old bait storage on the bank. Available in one size (13L) with air-tight lids to stop any accidental spillages, ergonomically designed carry handles, and are constructed from a durable plastic which remains shatterproof even in the coldest of temperatures.
Cap Oil is made up of a blend of different fish oils with the added addition of the potent capsicum extract, one of the spiciest liquids known to man! As a result of the mixture of refined cod liver oil and premium blended fish oils, Cap Oil is best used in the warmer months of the year. The deep red liquid will give any mix a kick, and as an added bonus your spot will produce a prominent oil slick when the fish are feeding, giving you an early indication that a bite could be imminent. Cap Oil is a great bait soak, and being a thin liquid, it soaks in right to the core of boilies, pellets and floaters producing a prolonged release of attraction.
Often copied; never bettered! Our original Bloodworm range is heralded as the best of its kind and it still works just as well today as it did many years ago. Designed to replicate our Bloodworm boilies, the Bloodworm Dumbells are made using the same base-mix, only with added soluble attractors. As an added bonus, each dumbell is encapsulated in an extra soluble coating to maximise their leakage and attraction. The Bloodworm Dumbells make an ideal alternative hookbait for fishing over the Bloodworm Active Mix and Bloodworm Pellets. As well as this, they are a superb choice for stalking and short sessions as the fast-acting coating maximises the instant attraction of these hookbaits.
Designed to replicate our outstanding Manilla boilies, these pop-ups have been designed to be very user friendly and buoyant. They are completely needle friendly, even in the smaller 12mm size, which are ideal for subtle presentations such as Zigs or Snowmen. The larger, 16mm hookbaits, are more suited to Chod or Hinge rigs as well as the ever-popular Ronnie/Spinner rig. The lighter colour of the pop-ups matches your freebies once they have been submersed in water. If you wish, you can add some extra attraction to your hookbaits by using our Manilla Bait Spray.
Mulbz are based on an all-time classic flavour combination, accountable for singling out some of the UK’s largest carp. These fluoro hookbaits really stand-out and offer a perfect blend of both instant and prolonged attraction thanks to a unique blend of liquid flavours and powdered fruit palatants. The 16mms are ideal for the ultra-popular Chod rig. These super buoyant hookbaits will stay popped up for days.
Mulbz are based on an all-time classic flavour combination, accountable for singling out some of the UK’s largest carp. These pastel coloured hookbaits are ideal for wary carp and offer a perfect blend of both instant and prolonged attraction thanks to a unique blend of liquid flavours and powdered fruit palatants. The 16mms are ideal for the ultra-popular Chod rig. These super buoyant hookbaits will stay popped up for days.
These hookbaits are far removed from classic hookbaits of old, which contained very little in the way of soluble attraction. Our exclusively sourced squid hydrolysate, a potent squid and octopus flavouring, and a multitude of powdered ingredients set Signature Squids apart from other hookbaits on the market. Traditionally fluoro hookbaits have always been a very simple product, a bit of nice flavouring and a simple base mix. We have taken this concept many steps into the future with the Signature Squids, by adding different levels of attraction from soluble fish proteins to fishy flavoured palatants. Each one adds a new dimension to these incredibly attractive hookbaits. As we know every day is different in angling, we have produced the Signature Squids with the ultimate in versatility. Each tub contains three dull, yet visual coloured hookbaits; pink, yellow and white. We have purposefully dulled the colour down with these hookbaits to make them stand out in a more subtle way than a traditional, in your face, fluoro. Signature Squid Pop-Ups are super buoyant and will stay up for days even when pierced. The small 12mm hookbaits are ideal for Zigs or Snowmen, while the slightly larger 14mm hookbaits are ideal for the Ronnie rig. The largest baits in the range, the 16mm size, are ideal for Chod rigs and Stiff Hinges.
These hookbaits are far removed from classic hookbaits of old, which contained very little in the way of soluble attraction. Our exclusively sourced squid hydrolysate, a potent squid and octopus flavouring, and a multitude of powdered ingredients set Signature Squids apart from other the hookbaits on the market. Traditionally fluoro hookbaits have always been a very simple product, a bit of nice flavouring and a simple base mix. We have taken this concept many steps into the future with the Signature Squids. By adding different levels of attraction from soluble fish proteins to fishy flavoured palatants. Each one adds a new dimension to these incredibly attractive hookbaits. As we know every day is different in angling, we have produced the Signature Squids with the ultimate in versatility. Each tub contains three dull, yet visual coloured hookbaits; pink, yellow and white. We have purposefully dulled the colour down with these hookbaits to make them stand out in a more subtle way than a traditional, in your face, fluoro. Signature Squid Wafters are perfectly designed to sink slowly under the weight of your hook, a presentation which can fool even the wariest of carp.
Pure Calanus Hydrolysate is one of the most exciting steps forward in marine-derived protein sources in many years. It is 100% sustainable yet contains an almost unparalleled amino acid profile. Pure Calanus benefits from high levels of some of the most essential and attractive amino acids for all fish species. These provide water-soluble attraction and nutrition that is highly stimulating to carp. This wonderfully salty, super-soluble liquid is incredibly low in fat and high in water-soluble protein. It pumps out attraction at a rapid rate, transmitting food signals far and wide. Its uses are only limited by your imagination; its relatively thin viscosity means it will penetrate boilies and pellets with ease before releasing a tantalising wave of attraction once applied to your chosen spot.
Supplied from the freshest Scottish salmon, our Pure Salmon Oil is a proven fish attractor as well as an excellent energy source. This 100% natural product is loaded with Omega-3 and Omega-6 essential fatty acids, both of which carp need to survive. One of the best applications for Pure Salmon Oil is to pour some over your floaters in the summertime. Not only does this add to the attraction of your freebies, but it also produces a nice slick on the surface aiding your rig presentation. Pure Salmon Oil can also be added to spod mixes, boilies and pellets; it is also particularly useful when it comes to hookbaits. A liberal dose over some cork-ball pop-ups will ensure they form a tougher skin and are preserved long past their shelf life.